Monday, April 19, 2010

got milk?

We got to go on one of our favorite field trips last week with Allie's preschool class - the dairy farm! Allie came last year when Avery's class went, so she was all geared up to get to feed those calves their bottles.
Fear is not in Allie's vocabulary. While most of the other kids hid behind their moms, my kid reached out to every cow she came near.

This is a classic Allie face. When you say, "smile for the picture," this is the face you usually get out of her, along with a really awesome dance move.

Now that's a face ANY mother could love! The kids get to climb on the giant pile of cotton seed that later will get fed to the cows.

We love to come to this dairy. It is family owned and they're so great to take kids on tours around the place.

This is Allie's whole class at Judson Baptist Preschool. Yep. 6 kids! They even have an assistant who wasn't able to make it. Ms. Wood is on the left and we just love her!


  1. She is so stinking cute! I really do love that face! Even the silly one. :)
