Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bedtime Theology

Tonight as we were going to bed, Avery asked me a question. "Mom, how is it that God is so perfect that He doesn't sin? I mean, if He can do anything He wants, why doesn't He want to sin?" ummm.... That took some thinking on my part as to how to answer her. I told her that God is so perfect that He hates sin. Not sure how to expand on that, I was interrupted by my very intuitive little seven year old. She said, "So it's kind of like if I hated pickles and someone tried to give one to me, it wouldn't be hard for me to say 'no' because I hated them so much?" Wow, what a great analogy! I couldn't have explained it better myself. God hates sin so much, it doesn't look the least bit appetizing. Which brings me to another thought: some of the best talks with our kids are at bedtime. Some nights we are just anxious to get them to bed and be done with our jobs and hang up our "parenting hats" for the night. Yet if we were to do that every night, we'd miss out on some deep theological discussions that happen when the lights are low and bodies are worn out from the day. It takes a little effort to be patient at that point of the day, but it's worth it!


  1. Bedtime chats are some of my favorite memories with my two sons who are now grown. I too, was often in a hurry but so glad I made myself sit there on the edge of the bed and hear their true hearts.

  2. Last night Hailey asked me if Jesus was married. A great theology and relationship discussion followed. Interesting what their little minds wonder at bedtime. Love Avery's explanation too!

  3. Such a great post, Erin! One of the things I'm looking forward to with less day care kids, is feeling less stressed about getting the house as clean as possible before bed, which means a more relaxed bed time!!!

  4. It's so true!! This same night I too had a discussion with Lily about heaven/hell and Christ's resurrection. And last night was another theology night. I definitely need to not rush putting her into bed, but keep making opportunities for her to ask questions. Great reminder Erin!

  5. Billy and I can so relate to this. We're so tired by the end of the day that we are often tempted to rush the bedtime routine (and sometimes do) but it is SO worth it to take that precious time because it's so true that bedtime is when they ask the most meaningful questions and have the best discussions!
