Just about all summer long I've heard friends tell of a trek to the coast, only to be met with overcast skies and tons of wind. So when I saw on the news that the coast was supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny, I decided I'd better get my kids over there to enjoy the beach for the day. My neighbor and friend joined me, along with her kids. We reached Lincoln City and were quite sad to see the brown, foggy sky just over the ocean. Behind us was a beautiful blue sky, but over the ocean was just depressing. We didn't have much time, but we decided to drive the coastline a bit and hope to find some sun. We found it! Literally, one little patch at Siletz Bay was glistening and sunny. So we parked and had a great time! Mackenzie's older son is so sweet and plays great with his sister and her friends. Her daughter is Avery's very good friend who will be going into first grade at the same school.
Here's my tan blondie!
Good buddies!
Allie show'n off her sandy body. She's a nut, what can I say?
Our attempt at Superman!
Buried alive!
Oh man, there was so much sand everywhere when we got home! I'm so glad we took the kids and made the memory. We love our neighbors and are blessed to have them for friends!