Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Grandparent Love

I was just reminded recently of what a blessing it is to have grandparents around for our kids. Not just any grandparents, though. Our family is so blessed to have grandparents who really love our kids and genuinely love to spend time with them. Thank you, Nana and Papa and Gramma Ginny and Grandpa for being such a blessing in our lives!
Gramma Ginny (Rich's mom) was our "veterinarian" for Avery's "doggie party" birthday.

Papa (my dad) and Allie's birthdays are just 6 days apart, so they always get to share a cake!

Avery sat with Grandpa (Rich's dad) on a carriage ride through the town they live in.

Nana (my mom) and Allie have matching dimples!

I love that our parents have such a distinct role in my daughters' lives. Each grandparent brings something unique into their lives. I am truly thankful for each of you!


  1. THat is a really sweet post! I agree that grandparents are such a precious people in our lives!

  2. Grandparents are so special! How great for your girls to be loved by them! :)

  3. Our lives are enriched beyond measure by the time spent with our grandchildren. We love them so much and look forward to all the time God gives to us to be together. Blessings and love to you and Richie, Avery, and Allie! I've spent some time this evening reading your blog posts and feel so thankful that God chose you to be our son's love and lifemate. You are an answer to our prayers for Richie. Avery and Allie are the icing on the cake!
    Love from your mom-in-love :)
