Rich's mom bought this book for the girls for Christmas. It's called "The Jesus Storybook Bible" by Sally LLoyd-Jones. A friend of hers had told her how wonderful it was and that was all it took for Gramma Ginny to buy it for her granddaughters. As soon as I started reading it, I understood why. It's really wonderful. It is in chronological order, of course starting with the creation of the world. Each story is pointing directly at Christ. It explains in a clear, but interesting way, why each story was included in the Bible - to point to our need for a Savior. Moms, dads, grandparents, this would make a great gift for any young child in your life - I'd say any kid under 10 would appreciate and really enjoy it.
I'm about half-way through reading it with my kids and we have just barely reached the arrival of Jesus. So far I have come across a repeated phrase that I think is neat. "Because God loves us with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love..." and they go on to explain something wonderful that He did in preparation of Christ's coming.

I'll include one more quote from the book. On the page right before it introduces the birth of Christ, it has a story of the prophet Ezra. The story ends like this:
"It had taken centuries for God's people to be ready, but now the time had almost come for the best part of God's Plan. God Himself was going to come. Not to punish His people - but to rescue them. God was getting ready to wipe away every tear from every eye. And the true party was about to begin..."
I think we could all use a reminder of just how vast His plan has been from the very beginning. And with that perspective, I seem pretty insignificant. Yet He calls me His child and chooses to use me, freckles and all!
Get the book and read it to your children! I guarantee it will spark some conversations and questions that can only point those little souls to Christ.
I'll include one more quote from the book. On the page right before it introduces the birth of Christ, it has a story of the prophet Ezra. The story ends like this:
"It had taken centuries for God's people to be ready, but now the time had almost come for the best part of God's Plan. God Himself was going to come. Not to punish His people - but to rescue them. God was getting ready to wipe away every tear from every eye. And the true party was about to begin..."
I think we could all use a reminder of just how vast His plan has been from the very beginning. And with that perspective, I seem pretty insignificant. Yet He calls me His child and chooses to use me, freckles and all!
Get the book and read it to your children! I guarantee it will spark some conversations and questions that can only point those little souls to Christ.