Tomorrow, on July 1, 2009, Rich and I will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. Such an occasion causes me to become reflective of the blessings and challenges we've undergone as a couple since that wonderful day nine years ago.
We met at Corban College (then Western Baptist College) in Salem probably the first or second day of our freshman year. We quickly formed a little clan, which consisted of one of my roommates, Jenny, and two other guys, Aaron and Geoff. The five of us were inseparable that first year of college. I think this picture was taken at Christmas-time when we all exchanged gifts .

Over the summer after freshman year, Rich and I talked weekly over the phone, since he had gone back to San Diego. We were still just friends, but I admit I was developing a crush! Sophomore year, we became a little more exclusive with our friendship, but still weren't dating. I dated another "fella" and am convinced that's how I won Rich over! He was so jealous!!! Ladies, if you are trying to snag a man and you think he likes you, but just isn't sure, I highly recommend a meaningless relationship to make him green with envy! Just kidding about the meaningless part. Anyway, this wasn't my purpose for dating the other guy, but the attraction with Rich was there, so the other relationship didn't last too long. Soon after that, Rich and I went to coffee and decided to date. We discussed that evening that we didn't want to get together unless we were serious about staying together, and as a result, we were engaged 5 months later! I was able to date my best friend! It was a very natural transition. He proposed on Coronado Island in August of '99. This picture was taken at his parents' house that night.
We got married on July 1, 2000 at 7:30 in the evening. Rich was 20 years-old and I was 21. Thus the baby-face! Didn't I marry a handsome hunk?
One of my favorite things about my wedding was the flowers in my hair. I just loved them! 
Rich graduated from Western Baptist in 2001. I graduated the next year in 2002, as I had another semester to complete from having changed my major.
I'd be lying if I said marriage has been blissful and perfect. Honestly, we have so different personalities that it is a regular struggle to understand the other partner! Rich likes to get a point across in as little words as possible, sometimes he hopes to not speak at all. I, on the other hand, well... um... I think it's obvious why we might have some trouble communicating!
We met at Corban College (then Western Baptist College) in Salem probably the first or second day of our freshman year. We quickly formed a little clan, which consisted of one of my roommates, Jenny, and two other guys, Aaron and Geoff. The five of us were inseparable that first year of college. I think this picture was taken at Christmas-time when we all exchanged gifts .

Over the summer after freshman year, Rich and I talked weekly over the phone, since he had gone back to San Diego. We were still just friends, but I admit I was developing a crush! Sophomore year, we became a little more exclusive with our friendship, but still weren't dating. I dated another "fella" and am convinced that's how I won Rich over! He was so jealous!!! Ladies, if you are trying to snag a man and you think he likes you, but just isn't sure, I highly recommend a meaningless relationship to make him green with envy! Just kidding about the meaningless part. Anyway, this wasn't my purpose for dating the other guy, but the attraction with Rich was there, so the other relationship didn't last too long. Soon after that, Rich and I went to coffee and decided to date. We discussed that evening that we didn't want to get together unless we were serious about staying together, and as a result, we were engaged 5 months later! I was able to date my best friend! It was a very natural transition. He proposed on Coronado Island in August of '99. This picture was taken at his parents' house that night.

Having children has been a great challenge in our marriage. With only 5 years of parenting under our belt so far, we are still in the young children stage. When we are actually able to walk hand-in-hand, I notice it. I think, "this is nice, I'm actually holding my husband's hand!" Having a conversation together with the kids in the room is almost impossible - especially since we have two of the most verbal, expressive girls I've ever known! Thus, I'm constantly missing my husband and wishing for more time with him. Those of you who are not in this stage of parenting, whether you're past it or not there yet, please hear me - PARENTS OF YOUNG CHILDREN NEED YOUR HELP! Consider it a ministry to strengthen the marriage of someone you know. Even if you think a couple is doing great and doesn't seem to be struggling, if they have young children, they probably need you! Just because I had a date with my husband 3 weeks ago, doesn't mean I couldn't REALLY use a date tonight! Did I get my point across? Call someone today and offer to babysit (you could also throw in 20 bucks - diapers are expensive!).
Nine years has brought Rich and I through some very rough patches; ones which I wasn't sure how to plow through. Praise God for His Word; for his compassion; for His forgiveness; for His healing hand; for His great mercies that are new EVERY morning!!!!
Richie, I love you so much. I know I will have so much more to say in the years to come (Lord willing). I realize that love really is much more about the almost-by-moment decision to love another rather than self, than it is about any kind of feeling. You are truly an amazing husband. You are so self-sacrificing and so kind and gentle. Your gentle spirit was the very first thing that drew me to you, probably because I feel lacking in that area at times. You are so smart and capable and God has allowed you to provide for our family so wonderfully. You encourage me to stay home with our daughters, which I know I will always be grateful for. You are an amazing father and so sweet with Avery and Allie. Avery was hugging a picture of you just this afternoon, telling "it" how much she loves you! Thank you for marrying me and for striving daily to cherish me as your wife!